Thursday, July 7, 2016


Thanks for your help, guys. THE ZOZOBRA INCIDENT and THE BISTI BUSINESS covers are now finalized. I am pleased with both of them.

Now I’m going through the same process with THE CITY OF ROCKS, so I am soliciting your opinion on that cover, as well. Take a look the proposed artwork and let me know what you think. Your feedback is important.
Courtesy: Dreamspinner Press Art Dept
Maria Fanning, Artist
As you can see, this is not a clean copy as it is still in development. Would like your opinion of the cover for this third book in the BJ Vinson Mystery series. 

Might as well take a look at the other two and see what the series will look like. Remember, ZOZOBRA is due out in November with each of the other two books to follow about four months apart. Here they are:
Courtesy: Dreamspinner Press Art Dept
Maria Fanning, Artist

The Zozobra cover is finalized and is a clean copy. This is the way it will appear on the book.

Courtesy: Dreamspinner Press Art Dept
Maria Fanning, Artist

The Bisti Cover is also finalized. Love the hoodoos!

There they are, the covers for the first three books in the BJ Vinson series. The first draft of the fourth book (with a working title of THE LOVELY PINES) is now about 40 percent completed.

Thanks for your help in getting this far. Please give me your opinions and comments at As always, thanks for being readers.

New Posts published at 6:00 a.m. each Thursday.

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