Thursday, June 13, 2024

Farewell blog post #652

 Image Courtesy of Dreamstime:


Dear Readers:

 After almost thirteen years of writing weekly posts, the time has come to end things. This will be my last post on this blog. I will leave the site up so that present or future readers will be able to read the hundreds of short stories I’ve written over the years.

 I’ve noticed recently that I’m not as efficient in the use of my time as I once was, and need to let go of some activities. I cannot tell you how I’ve struggled with this decision, but it is necessary.

 Once again, thank you for the half-million or so readings you’ve given the site over the years. Thank you so much for the kind comments you’ve cast my way.

 There’s nothing left to say but farewell, adios, adieu, and the like. You’ll never know how much I appreciate my readers.

Even though I am personally "hanging it up," my mantra remains my mantra: Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say... so say it!

Please don't forget my BJ Vinson murder mystery series published by Dreamspinner Press. 

My personal links:


Facebook: www.

X: @dontravis3



Thursday, May 23, 2024

Neverend (Part Three of Three Parts) blog post #652

 Image Courtesy of Pinterest:


Our last episode ended with Bobolink Marco to his idol’s home with the clear intent of having sex with him. Would it end well, or would shame and mortification set in. Let’s find out.



I parked alongside Marco’s Camaro in the driveway and got out. My resolve—faltering until then—strengthened under his brilliant smile. As I stood waiting for him to key the front door, I felt as if the entire neighborhood watched from behind closed blinds and knew exactly what we were up to.

Once the door closed behind us, Marco turned and pulled me into his embrace. The kiss surprised me… I didn’t know men kissed. But I liked it. Felt it… probably more than with my last girl.

He pulled away, still clasping me in his arms. “Any second thoughts?”

“After that?” I asked, panting slightly.

He pulled out hips together. “Guess not, from what I feel down there. What say we go to the bedroom and take a good look at one another.”

Hip to hip, arms slung around our shoulders, we made our way upstairs to his bedroom. As dazzled as I was, I couldn’t help but notice the house, the place where he lived. His core, his den… his lair.

Attractive overstuffed couch, sleek, modern matching recliners. Good art on the walls, a blend of old European figures, attractive landscapes, and not-too-far-out modern. But once through the threshold of his bedroom, all that went away. To this day, I couldn’t tell you the color of his duvet. He moved behind me, pressing himself against my buns, and began a long, slow inventory of my parts with his sensitive hands. Each touch was more erotic than the other until he reached my crotch. When he held me in both hands, my legs went weak, and I was near to fainting.

“Nice,” he murmured as he nibbled at my ear. My ear loved it.

His fingers unbuttoned my shirt, then explored my chest sensually. I thought he’d never get to my trousers, but an eon later, he fumbled with my belt buckle. I was lost. No one had ever touched me, explored me, measured me in such a manner.

After he pushed me naked onto the bed, he performed his own strip tease, almost driving me wild. Finally he settled on the bed beside me and spoke.

“You are one sexy man.”

God! I couldn’t possibly hold a candle to him. No hint of hair on the chest, wisps peeking from his armpits at times. A black thread beginning below the navel that wandered south before blooming into a lush black bush. A throbbing—

He interrupted my inventory by rolling atop me. “You ready for this?”

Unable to speak, I nodded.

“Then here we go.”

He took control. I was his slave, his helot… his pin cushion to penetrate as he wished. I was lost to time and space, existing only in sensations, some painful, some exquisite, some painfully exquisite… and some merely overpowering. He achieved release and continued without pause. I achieved my own volcanic detonation only once, when he came deep inside me.

Never had I experienced anything remotely close to the experience.

Still lying across my back, he dropped his head onto the back of mine and fought for breath.

“Well? H-how was it?”

I clasp the arms enfolding my neck. “Like nothing else.”

“How do you feel?”

“Exhaused, enervated. Like coming off a high.”

“No regrets.”

“No! None. Well, maybe.”


“I wish it would never end.”

“Doesn’t have to.”

I turned beneath his weight, and we lay belly to belly. “Do you mean it?”

His grin almost cost me my senses. “Absolutely. I’ve been watching you… wanting you all semester. I was almost hundred percent sure you were who I wanted.” He planted a quick peck on my nose and continued. “And after that demonstration, the almost went away. I’m sure. I want you to move in with me.”

I thought my heart was failing. My hearing gone. But he was sincere. I moved out of the dorm that very afternoon and felt as if I were home. He was unstinting with his generosity and unfailing with his attention. I had achieved Neverend.


The year passed rapidly… far too quickly. The most glorious year of my young life. I graduated and took a job in an art gallery where I learned about selling art, not just creating it. As a part of the deal, the gallery featured my work, so I accumulated some commercial success, as well.

But the most wonderful part was Marco. Beautiful, sensual, athletic Marco. He was perfect for me, as I hoped I was for him. Neither of us could go out in public without being hit on… by members of either sex. But he was all I wanted; no other man nor woman held any interest for me beyond merely social.

I think I sensed a change in our thirteenth month. A young, sandy-haired engineering student from our alma mater began showing up in too many of our social engagements then. A fortnight later he—Glendon Marx was his name—frequently visited our home. At first with others, and then alone. Soon, instead of Marco and Bobolink, it became the two of us and Glendon. It was always Glendon, never Glen.

Frankly, I liked the kid, so I didn’t become alarmed until too late. First, I came home from the gallery and found them in the den having drinks together. Then it was in the pool where Glendon’s fair skin played well against Marco’s Mediterranean tan. My lover did free-lance advertising, and worked from an office in our home.

Of course, my suspicions rose, but surely Marco, who was as attentive and athletic as ever in private, would never jeopardize our Neverend. Still, as Glendon remained ever underfoot, I couldn’t contain my jealousy. At work, I imagined all sorts of shenanigans going on. Yet Marco was as attentive and energetic as ever, which undermined my building doubts.


I fought my devils until I could no longer fend them off. I feigned illness one day—only half false since I was worrying myself sick—and left work early one afternoon. Glendon’s red Ford coupe was in our driveway, alerting me to his presence. No surprise. That was what I expected.

Entering the house as quietly as possible, I found no one in the den… or in Marco’s office. No one in the pool. I glanced upward. The bedrooms? Only place left.

I went up the stairs, avoiding the squeaky step near the top of the flight and paused. Then I heard it. Glendon’s sharp gasp and then a moan, then something that sounded suspiciously like, “Oh, Marco!”

Walking down the hall, I entered our bedroom’s open door to a sight I will never forget. A naked Marco lay atop an equally naked Glendon, his strong legs wrapped around Marco’s trim hips as my lover thrust against him.

Unobserved, I backed out of the room and returned to Marco’s office where I took the pistol he customarily kept in his right hand desk drawer and started back up the stairs, pausing only when I heard shouts of exhilaration. They had climaxed. Glendon held semen that was by rights mine alone. He had stolen from me.

When I entered the room, both were startled, but neither seemed nonplussed. Marco gave one of his slow, tremendously sexy smiles and spoke in his throaty baritone.

“Come join us, Bobolink. I’m sure your presence will revive us. I’ll bet we make one hell of a sandwich.”

Had he not spoken, I’m not sure what would have happened. If Glendon’s features hadn’t held such a look of triumph, perhaps I’d have walked away. But I didn’t. I raised the pistol from behind my legs and pointed it at Marco’s broad, sexy chest before pulling the trigger. He merely looked astounded.

Glendon managed to get out of bed and head for the bathroom before I shot him in the back of the head.

Then I put the barrel in my mouth and pulled the trigger again. A click and a nothing. It either jammed or held only two bullets. I sank to a sitting position on the floor and alternately studied my hands and the little steel revolver until I heard the front door crash open and heavy footsteps on the stairs. The nosy next-door neighbor must have heard gunfire and called the cops. No matter. Neverend was gone now. Shattered. Destroyed.


I turned from the gray concrete wall and looked through the black, iron bars of my cell. Marveling at the strange calmness that claimed me, I wondered if it would endure when they finally came to deliver the final Neverend to my life. And would I still hold the image of Marco’s broad back as he plunged into Glendon’s fair flesh and eternally wrestle with the question of whether it was monstrous or erogenous


Looks as though all of Bobolink’s supposed Neverends failed him. But this final one might just be the one that holds. Not all stories end happily.

 Until next time, stay safe and stay strong.

Now my manrra:  Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say, so say it!

Please check out my BJ Vinson murder mystery series starting with The Zozobra Incident and ending with The Cutie Pie Murders. 

My personal links:

X: @dontravis3

See you next time.


New posts on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 a.m. US Mountain time.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Neverend (Part Two of Three Parts) blog post #651

 Image Courtesy of Pinterest:


Last week, we met Bobolink and Marco, just as they met one another. Bobolink was knocked off his feet. But how did Marco feel about their meeting. He seemed interesting in making a new friend.


Let’s see what develops in this second installment.



The Saturday I first played tennis with Marco was the most perfect day of my life. I had to scramble, but I was a match for him on the court when I could refrain from watching him rather than the ball.

Afterward, we showered side-by-side in the school locker room, and my eyes feasted on his fantastic naked form. Hiding my unintended erection at times became a problem, but if he noticed, he gave no sign.

After what-should-have-been a routine cleansing of the flesh—but was actually an exciting event of overwhelming intimacy, at least for me—we stopped for a drink at a local tavern and freely shared our past lives. I had never revealed so many petty confessions to any soul before, and found it not only liberating, but also titillating.

Upon leaving the bar on the way to our cars, he paused, threw an arm over my shoulders, and took a moment to comment on the monstrous moon hovering in the sky. At that moment, I would have done anything for him… anything at all. But we merely proceeded to our cars, told one another how much we enjoyed the day and departed.

But not before he poked my chest with a forefinger and arched his eyebrow. “Next Saturday, same time. Date?”

I probably looked like an idiot with my head flapping so hard.


We saw one another regularly after that, not just on Saturday for tennis, but other times, as well. For me, it meant falling deeper into love. For Marco, probably just an easy friendship. During our first Saturday confession, he’d warned that he made casual relations easily, but had trouble holding onto them over time.

Two months passed before the true nature of things changed between us. I remember it clearly. The school year was coming to an end, and I was desperately trying to figure how to hold onto our friendship. My anxiety must have been obvious.

As we sat in the tavern for an after-dinner beer—we’d both had the bistro’s famous corned beef on rye with German potato salad—he put down his glass and touched my arm.

“Why so down, Bobolink?” The nickname sounded beautiful when he said it.

“Graduation’s coming up. And….” I swallowed hard. “I don’t know what’s going to happen to a friendship that’s become important to me.”

“I’ve been thinking on that too. Never had anyone worm his way into my heart the way you have. I’ll be walking down the sidewalk and spot someone across the quadrangle and wonder if it’s my handsome friend, Bobolink? Then I’ll see it’s only some guy, and feel disappointment in my gut.”

“You… you do that too?”

“All the time. You’ve become important to me, my friend. That’s why it’s so hard for me to do what comes next.”

My heart dropped into my stomach. He was calling it quits! “Which is?” I managed to say without stuttering.

“I’m about to risk our friendship by asking….”

“Wh-what?” I said through a dry throat.”

“Would you go to bed with me? I’ve never met a man before who makes me think of sex every time I see him. Never known anyone who makes me lie in bed after one of our dates—yeah, that’s the way I think of them—and ache for him.” He dropped his eyes to the table. “Sorry if that turns you off, but… well, that’s the way it is for me.”

Ignoring everyone else in the tavern, I laid my hand atop his on the table. “Turn me off? It sets me on fire. I couldn’t stand up right now without embarrassing you and everyone else in the joint.”

He turned his hand over and gripped mine. “Do you mean it?”

I nodded.

“Are you experienced? Know what you’re saying?”

I shook my head just as hard. “Never been with man or boy in all my life. But I’ve lain awake just like you have trying to imagine it. For months now.”

Marco’s sudden smile died. “That’s good news, and that’s bad news.”

“What do you mean?”

“Some guys, for one reason or the other, get attracted to someone of their own sex. When they give in and try it out, they come away feeling ashamed of what they’ve done. Mortified. They can’t stand to be around the guy they once idolized because it reminds them of their supposed weakness.”

I met his big, sultry eyes. “Have you… uh, done it with guys? Has that happened to you?”

He met my stared. “Yeah. I’ve had sex with men. And to be honest, the first time I felt exactly that way and avoided the guy from then on.” He rested his chin in a palm. “I think it was because I was so young. Only sixteen. He was older, twenty or so. He knew what he wanted, I didn’t. And I was more religious back then and considered it to be a sin.”

“You don’t now?”

He shook his handsome head, the shadows of the semidarkness playing over the planes and angles of his face. “The next time I was eighteen. And I knew what I wanted from the kid—who was my own age. I handled it fine. So did he.”

“Eighteen. That was only two years ago.”

He nodded. “What do you say? Wanna risk it?”

“I swallowed hard to moisten my arid throat. “Y… yes.”

“Your place or mine?”

“Yours, I’ve got a roommate, remember?”

I’ll never forget how unsteady I was when I stood and got out of the booth. The slow, languid way we moved into the night. The glorious display of the moon almost swamped the dazzling display of stars. A sudden, frightening thought caused me to miss a step. Was this the end of Neverend… or the reaffirmation of it?

“What’s the matter,” Marco asked, reaching out to grasp my hand. “Have you changed your mind?”

“No,” I said firmly.

As I followed Marco’s taillights down the road toward his off-campus apartment, the drive seemed interminable.


So Bobolink’s on the way to his first man on man sexual encounter. Is he prepared for it? Were you? How did yours work out. The way you anticipated? Better? Worse? Measure your reaction against his next week.

 Until next time, stay safe and stay strong.

Now my mantra: Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say... so say it.

Check out the BJ Vinson stable of books at The Zozobra Incident, The Bisti Business, and all the others are there waiting for you. If you've read them, tell a friend, leave a comment on Amazon. 

My personal links:



X: @dontravis3

See you next time.


New posts on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 a.m., US Mountain time.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Neverend (Part One of Three Parts) blog post #650


This is my first post after switching from a weekly post to posts on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Hope you forgive me for weakening after something over twelve years.


For such an auspicious undertaking, I’m doing a three-part story about an unsettled young man bearing the nickname of Bobolink. I hope you get involved in his story.



I stared at the gray concrete wall and recalled a scene from my childhood. My twelfth year, probably, since we were still on the farm, likely early summer. I’d been rocking in Granddad’s chair on the front porch after chores were done but before being called for supper. Evening was coming on fast with the sun putting on a dazzling show to the west, featuring reds and yellows and a touch of violet. Old Sol knew how to make an exit. Didn’t do bad at entrances either.

“What’cha thinking, Bobolink?”

I had shifted my gaze from the sun’s display and glanced at my little sister. “Just wishin’ this would never end.”

She clutched her Raggedy Ann doll to her chest and spoke with ten-year-old wisdom. “According to Ma, Neverend isn’t real. Something’s always changing.”

My sigh likely signaled acceptance of that fact, as well as my regret. “Yeah, but don’t you sometimes wish you could stop everything and get off right here? Like that sunset? It ought to never end.”

She shook her head so hard her blonde curls scrubbed her shoulders. “Don’t be silly. The crops wouldn’t grow. And you couldn’t go down to the swimming hole. Don’t you want to get out of school and grow up and have girlfriends and get married.”

“Sometimes. But sometimes not.”

“I do. I can hardly wait. I want a handsome boyfriend and an even handsomer husband someday. It’ll be heaven.”

“Are Mom and Dad in heaven?” I asked, thinking of how hard they worked and how tired the seemed at night.


“Never mind,” I said.

As usual, Cheryl Ann Link, did just that… paid no mind. Cherry—that’s what the family called her, she was Cheryl Ann to the rest of the world—lived in children’s books she got from the town library. They always seemed to point to the future. Me, I didn’t see anything wrong with going fishing with Dad or squirrel hunting with my brother or arrowhead hunting with my buds now. Pretty uncomplicated. Not like making a living or raising kids. Don’t get me wrong. Living on a farm meant plenty of work—hard work. But you could see the results growing right before your eyes.

If Cheryl Ann was Cherry, I was Bobolink. Easy enough to figure. My name was Robert so Bob Link became Bobolink. Trouble was, it wasn’t just a cutesy name restricted to the family but shared by the whole world. If somebody yelled Bob, I probably wouldn’t even react.

I don’t know why that memory popped into my head at the moment, but it was a pretty good jumping off place for the way life rolled out in front of me over the next few years. Neverend, of course, never appeared. One day succeeded another and this week became last week, and the months and years passed as they were intended. Cherry graduated from high school then college, became a civil engineer, and married that handsome husband she’d always dreamed of.

Me? Well, I held onto Neverend until I couldn’t any longer. My college career was a bit more tortured than Cherry’s. I kept making inappropriate friends who led me into situations that always seemed to involve trouble. Is that a cop-out? Probably. A guy goes into situations with his eyes wide open, doesn’t he? Might get fooled once or twice, but half a dozen times? That means he contributed to his own problems, doesn’t it? Definitely.

So we’ve arrived at what I tried not to say. I’m either a rebel by nature or else a willing patsy. As sad as it sounds, I hope it’s the latter.

Neverend seemed as if it might have returned to my life when I started bumming around with Marco Roselli my senior year in college… where I was an art student, by the way. Possibly not the best way to make a living, but after years of changing majors, it was something I became passionate about.

That and Marco Roselli.

It didn’t start out that way. In fact, it wouldn’t have gone that way if Marco hadn’t been Marco. I met him at a Frat party where, as a transfer to State, he was joining our chapter of the Greek organization. I’d never seen anyone like him. Never been interested in anyone like him, in fact. I’d had girlfriends in high school. I’ll swear I never had a gay thought in my head until I laid eyes on him.

I’d never seen a beautiful man before. Handsome, yeah. Buff, sure. Even sexy, I suppose, but Marco’s curly black hair, large brown eyes, tapered torso… oh, I could go on forever describing this modern Adonis, but you get the idea. I was smitten. Smacked hard in the back of the head.

And miracle of miracles, he seemed to like me. Found time to disengage from admirers at the party that night to cross the room to speak to me at the table holding the doctored punch I’ll never forget his first words to me.

“Hi, I’m Marco Roselli. Been watching you.”

I managed to get out some words that made sense. “You have? Why?”

His grin almost robbed my knees of strength to hold me aloft. “You’re not like these other guys. You know, Hail fellow, well met. You ration your friendship. Give it to those who deserve it, not dole it out to everyone.”

That was a new take for me, but I went along with it. “Not exactly the way to create a network for success.”

It’s noisy in here. Let’s go out on the patio, okay?”


I watched him as he led me through the French doors into the cool night. There were others on the big, covered patio, but at least you didn’t have to shout to be heard. He leaned a trim hip against a post and set his drink on the banister.

“I’m taking a guess here, but you don’t come from money. You worked to save for school and earned a scholarship—academic, not athletic. Right so far?”

I nodded, preferring to look rather than speak. I’ve seen beautiful girls that were pleasant to look at, but after a while, their perfection became boring. Marco’s features were irregular, but put together in a totally fascinating way. I could have gazed at him for days without getting tired of it. The abrupt, athletic way he moved, his throaty voice touched me deep down inside.

“So you’re not a business major,” he continued. “Something ethereal. Creative. A painter.” He reached out and squeezed my bicep. “No, a sculptor. You don’t get a build like that from lifting paint brushes.”

I laughed, pleased and flattered he was spending his time talking about me. “No, but you do if you go to the gym after lifting those heavy brushes laden with globs of weighty oils.”

“Aha, an artist. Well, I was close. It was that hunky body that deceived me.”

“Never been called hunky before.”

“Oh, yes. You have. Not to your face, perhaps, but men and women both have remarked on your form. You’re quite handsome, you know.”

I felt my face glow, relieving the darkness at this end of the porch.

“I’ve embarrassed you. Sorry, wasn’t my intention.”

I managed a shrug. “It’s okay. I’m not used to being the center of attention.”

“You should be. Do you play tennis?”

I nodded. “My one sport. Do okay. Not great, but I make a competition out of it.”

“Great. You have Saturday classes?”

I shook my head.

“Neither do I. Meet you at nine on the courts.”

“Sure. Like to.”


Bobolink! We’ve all known people like him. Self-contained, introverted, awkward at making new acquaintances, and often stumbling over their efforts… and ending up making trouble. You might even be one of those people, as well. If you are one or know one, stick with me for the second half of this story.

 Repeat of the alert: Starting this week, this blog will post ONLY on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

 Until next time, stay safe and stay strong.

Now my mantra: Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say... so say it!

Don't forget to remind your friends of my BJ Vinson murder mystery series. And if you haven't read all seven books, get your rear in gear. The first is The Zozobra Incident.

My personal links:



X: 2dontravis3

See you next time.


New posts on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 a.m. US Mountain time.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Bearclaw Summons (A Serialized Story) blog post #649

Image Courtesy of Pinterest:

Bart Shortlance is chasing one of the killers south toward the Mexican border. It’s a rough and dangerous ride on the backroads of southern New Mexico. Will he prevail?


NOTICE: Dear readers, after twelve and one-half years of writing a weekly post, life has caught up with me. Beginning with the next post, I will blog on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 5:00 a.m., US Mountain Time. Thanks for sticking with me.



The three of them spent another hour working out a plan before Bart drove Jack back to the reservation so the fat man could organize his end of the plan. Then Bart went home to pack an overnight bag. It was after six when he rang the doorbell to Mark’s apartment.

The lawyer invited him inside to make himself comfortable. “Nothing’s likely to happen tonight, although we have to be ready for it if it does. But tomorrow, if the blood turns out the right type, we might get a little action. You think Big Jack’s got his end covered?”

“You can count on it.”

They ate hamburgers from a drive‑in down the street and settled into a childhood pastime, playing chess. They were well matched. Each had to concentrate to hold his own against the other. The first game was hard fought. Their attention wandered in the second, and the third was mechanically played as they talked.

“How’s Willy’s family taking things?” Mark asked during a lull.

“Living from day to day. Not knowing for sure is hard on them.”

“There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind what happened to Willy. They killed him, Bart.” He ran his hand through his hair. “This whole thing’s hard for me to understand. Here’s a guy who minded his own business, went to work every day, and had a tremendous talent as an artist.  He’s here one day doing just great, then the next day he’s in trouble for no good reason, and then he’s dead. I can’t help asking myself why?”

Bart shrugged, a gesture he often used to save words. “Some people on the reservation will take a look at what happened and say Willy was trying too hard to be a white man and this was what happens when Indians try to play white. They’ll point it out to their young people and say, ‘watch out you don’t get caught in the same trap.’ Don’t think for a minute it hasn’t already been said in half a hundred houses, tents, tipis, and wickiups.”

“God, that’s awful! You’re saying this is a racist thing.”

“What else? Burke and Avila saw a sap they could trick and bully. He also happened to be an Indian, and that was good because nobody gives a shit about what happens to them. Even if he tries to defend himself, nobody’s going to listen. They probably just wanted him to haul out rifles for them, but when he bucked and they smelled trouble, he was the perfect patsy. Probably got the surprise of their lives when he got himself a lawyer, a white lawyer who belongs to the inside crowd. Things were getting out of hand fast. This redskin wasn’t lying down and taking his medicine like he ought to. Okay, things can still be salvaged. Just get rid of the poor sap. Nobody’s going to knock his head against a wall over an Indian who showed his true colors and ran when the going got rough.”

“That is the way a lot of people will see it, isn’t it?” Mark thought for a moment. “Then by God, let’s make sure they see it the way it really is.”

“You’ll have to be the one. Jack and I will do everything we can, but you’re the only one who can show the world what’s going on.”

Mark tipped over his king, signaling surrender. He leaned back in his chair. “I’ll do my best, Bart.”


Accustomed to rising early, Bart had eaten and was sipping a second cup of coffee before Mark stirred. He was finishing the morning paper when the lawyer came in for his first cup. Bart reluctantly agreed to stay at the apartment while Mark went to the office so he would be near the phone in case it should ring. It did, twice. Each time Mark was on the other end, first to let him know that the lab said the blood was human, type O Negative and then to ask if there was any word from Big Jack Bearclaw. The rest of the time Bart read, tried to watch TV, and finally ended up pacing the small apartment talking to himself to keep from going stir crazy. He was not used to being penned up in a room. He was an outdoorsman. The moment Mark returned around five‑thirty, Bart bolted from the apartment house and took a two‑mile run to calm his ragged nerves. Mark was waiting patiently when he got back.

“You shot out of here like a house‑broke puppy shut up inside all day.”

“My need was about that urgent,” Bart answered. “Thought I was going to flip out before you got here. What happened today?”

“Most of it you know already. The blood was the right kind. Don’t know about the tires yet, but somehow the rumor got out that they match Avila’s van. Damndest place for rumors you ever saw.

Ro laughed. “So tonight might see some action?”

“Could be. Is the Jeep gassed up?”

“Yep. Let’s eat and get ready.”

“What did you fix?”

“Fix? Me?” Bart asked in astonishment.

“Hell, you were home all day. Doesn’t the housewife usually fix dinner?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re an asshole?”

“Does that mean no dinner?”

“Exactly. Does that mean hamburgers again tonight?”


“Shit! We’re going to break out in pimples like teenagers.”


The call came around two in the morning. Bart picked up the phone on the first ring. Big Jack spoke in his ear. Bart listened a minute, then told the man he was on the way.

Mark came into the room rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Was that it?”

“Yep. You were right. He ran.”

“Who’s on his tail?”

“Big Jack and one of his nephews. I’d better get a move on.” Bart began pulling on his clothes. “We don’t want them getting out of range of the radio.”

“Which way did he go?”



“That’s Avila’s reservation, I guess. You going to call the law?”

“Yes, but I’m in no hurry. I want it plain he’s planning to leave the state. He can’t do that, not even supposed to leave the area, but I want him clearly in violation of his bond. You keep in touch, so I’ll know what’s happening.”

Ro no sooner reached the Jeep than the radio crackled. He almost laughed at Big Jack’s voice. The man was self‑conscious about talking over the foreign instrument.

“Bart? You there? Goddammit! Uh, let’s see. J‑Bar‑C Two, can you hear me?”

“I read you, Jack. What’s going on? Over.”

“This guy’s going like a calf on the prod. You ain’t never going to catch up with us. He don’t seem to care if a cop catches him or not.”

“Okay. Be back with you in a minute. Over and out.” Bart ran back into the apartment house and beat on Mark’s door. Mark opened it instantly. “He’s running fast, Big Jack says. Breaking the speed limit like he’s got no worries about patrol cars. Jack says I’ll never catch up with them.”

“Fuck!” Mark beat a fist against the jamb. “He must really be scared. Any sane man would go at a nice slow pace. He’s panicked. Wait! A helicopter! You can catch him in a bird. You head to the airfield. I’ll get Jim Hudson over there pronto. You have a chance that way.”


The helicopter pilot, who lived near the airport, was already warming up the whirlybird by the time Bart arrived. He was, however, not in the best of spirits. He seemed to resent being awakened at two‑thirty in the morning to participate in somebody else’s goose chase.

Bart thought he was going to lose his stomach when the machine took off, but he overcame the nausea. Donning the headset as instructed, he told the pilot what they were up to. He was disappointed that the helicopter radio did not have CB bands, but he had already warned Big Jack that he was coming by helicopter. They overtook the two speeding vehicles easily enough. There was no mistaking them even in the darkness. The van led Big Jack by about a quarter of a mile. At first, the pilot was reluctant to set the copter down in unfamiliar terrain, but he took advantage of the lights of a closed filling station at some wide spot in the road to drop rapidly to the ground. Bart about lost his meal again, but avoided disgracing himself. The Avila vehicle had already whizzed through. Big Jack saw them and had his nephew pull over. Bart unceremoniously dumped the protesting youngster out of the truck and sprayed him with gravel as he got the pickup back on the highway. They soon spotted the van’s taillights in the distance. They gained steadily. Suddenly, the brake lights flashed as the vehicle turned off the highway.

“Damn!” Bart swore. “He spotted us.”

“Be a blind son of a bitch if he didn’t. Probably saw the lights when the helicopter landed too.”

Bart slapped the wheel. “He’s not headed for El Paso. He’s taking the back country to Mexico. Shit! The law’s going to be waiting in the wrong place.”

“Can you reach that lawyer on the radio?”

“Out of range, but I’m going to try to raise somebody. You get out and start trying to catch a ride.” Jack looked pained. It was pitch black, and they had not passed a car on the Road for a considerable stretch. “I’ll work the radio and get somebody to pick you up. But just in case I don’t raise anybody, you’ve got to get back to that service station and phone Mark.”

Jack’s mouth fell open. “That’s ten miles back!”

Ro braked hard. “Yeah, and I’m hauling you in the wrong direction.”

Big Jack looked doubtful about the whole venture, but he obediently grunted his way out of the truck. Bart took off again. As soon as he maneuvered the turn onto the sideroad, he managed to raise a northbound trucker about six miles south of him who agreed to pick up Big Jack and get him to a telephone. In the meantime, the man would try to raise a state cop in the area.

The van was traveling too fast for the road conditions. Bart was able to anticipate some of the worst jolts by keeping an eye on the lights of the other vehicle, but even so he wondered how long the van could take the punishment the rutted dirt Road was dishing out. Abruptly, the relatively good stretch played out. Avila’s headlights went crazy, shooting up into the black sky, disappearing into the ground, and wagging from side to side. Bart was reminded of a mischievous child playing with a flashlight.


I had faith in Bart in catching the fleeing crook, and equal faith in Mark Charles in seeing that justice was done in the white man’s court system. Everything came out as well as could be expected, as Bart says, “under the circumstances.”

 Thanks for sticking with me through this long process.

 Repeat of the alert: Starting next week, this blog will post ONLY on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

 Until next time, stay safe and stay strong.

Now my mantra: Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say, so say it!

Please check out my BJ Vinson murder mystery series starting with The Zozobra Incident.

My personal links:



X: @dontravis3

See you next time.


New posts on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 a.m. US Mountain Time.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Bearclaw Summons (A Serialized Story) blog post #648

 Image Courtesy of Pinterest:


Accepting that the disappeared Willy Spurs is dead, Bart Shortlance, Mark Charles, and Big Jack Bearclaw go about planning justice for the young Apache artist.




The three of them spent another hour working out a plan before Bart drove Jack back to the reservation so the fat man could organize his end of the plan. Then Bart went home to pack an overnight bag. It was after six when he rang the doorbell to Mark’s apartment.

The lawyer invited him inside to make himself comfortable. “Nothing’s likely to happen tonight, although we have to be ready for it if it does. But tomorrow, if the blood turns out the right type, we might get a little action. You think Big Jack’s got his end covered?”

“You can count on it.”

They ate hamburgers from a drive‑in down the street and settled into a childhood pastime, playing chess. They were well matched. Each had to concentrate to hold his own against the other. The first game was hard fought. Their attention wandered in the second, and the third was mechanically played as they talked.

“How’s Willy’s family taking things?” Mark asked during a lull.

“Living from day to day. Not knowing for sure is hard on them.”

“There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind what happened to Willy. They killed him, Bart.” He ran his hand through his hair. “This whole thing’s hard for me to understand. Here’s a guy who minded his own business, went to work every day, and had a tremendous talent as an artist.  He’s here one day doing just great, then the next day he’s in trouble for no good reason, and then he’s dead. I can’t help asking myself why?”

Bart shrugged, a gesture he often used to save words. “Some people on the reservation will take a look at what happened and say Willy was trying too hard to be a white man and this was what happens when Indians try to play white. They’ll point it out to their young people and say, ‘watch out you don’t get caught in the same trap.’ Don’t think for a minute it hasn’t already been said in half a hundred houses, tents, tipis, and wickiups.”

“God, that’s awful! You’re saying this is a racist thing.”

“What else? Burke and Avila saw a sap they could trick and bully. He also happened to be an Indian, and that was good because nobody gives a shit about what happens to them. Even if he tries to defend himself, nobody’s going to listen. They probably just wanted him to haul out rifles for them, but when he bucked and they smelled trouble, he was the perfect patsy. Probably got the surprise of their lives when he got himself a lawyer, a white lawyer who belongs to the inside crowd. Things were getting out of hand fast. This redskin wasn’t lying down and taking his medicine like he ought to. Okay, things can still be salvaged. Just get rid of the poor sap. Nobody’s going to knock his head against a wall over an Indian who showed his true colors and ran when the going got rough.”

“That is the way a lot of people will see it, isn’t it?” Mark thought for a moment. “Then by God, let’s make sure they see it the way it really is.”

“You’ll have to be the one. Jack and I will do everything we can, but you’re the only one who can show the world what’s going on.”

Mark tipped over his king, signaling surrender. He leaned back in his chair. “I’ll do my best, Bart.”


Accustomed to rising early, Bart had eaten and was sipping a second cup of coffee before Mark stirred. He was finishing the morning paper when the lawyer came in for his first cup. Bart reluctantly agreed to stay at the apartment while Mark went to the office so he would be near the phone in case it should ring. It did, twice. Each time Mark was on the other end, first to let him know that the lab said the blood was human, type O Negative and then to ask if there was any word from Big Jack Bearclaw. The rest of the time Bart read, tried to watch TV, and finally ended up pacing the small apartment talking to himself to keep from going stir crazy. He was not used to being penned up in a room. He was an outdoorsman. The moment Mark returned around five‑thirty, Bart bolted from the apartment house and took a two‑mile run to calm his ragged nerves. Mark was waiting patiently when he got back.

“You shot out of here like a house‑broke puppy shut up inside all day.”

“My need was about that urgent,” Bart answered. “Thought I was going to flip out before you got here. What happened today?”

“Most of it you know already. The blood was the right kind. Don’t know about the tires yet, but somehow the rumor got out that they match Avila’s van. Damndest place for rumors you ever saw.

Ro laughed. “So tonight might see some action?”

“Could be. Is the Jeep gassed up?”

“Yep. Let’s eat and get ready.”

“What did you fix?”

“Fix? Me?” Bart asked in astonishment.

“Hell, you were home all day. Doesn’t the housewife usually fix dinner?”

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re an asshole?”

“Does that mean no dinner?”

“Exactly. Does that mean hamburgers again tonight?”


“Shit! We’re going to break out in pimples like teenagers.”


The call came around two in the morning. Bart picked up the phone on the first ring. Big Jack spoke in his ear. Bart listened a minute, then told the man he was on the way.

Mark came into the room rubbing sleep from his eyes. “Was that it?”

“Yep. You were right. He ran.”

“Who’s on his tail?”

“Big Jack and one of his nephews. I’d better get a move on.” Bart began pulling on his clothes. “We don’t want them getting out of range of the radio.”

“Which way did he go?”



“That’s Avila’s reservation, I guess. You going to call the law?”

“Yes, but I’m in no hurry. I want it plain he’s planning to leave the state. He can’t do that, not even supposed to leave the area, but I want him clearly in violation of his bond. You keep in touch, so I’ll know what’s happening.”

Ro no sooner reached the Jeep than the radio crackled. He almost laughed at Big Jack’s voice. The man was self‑conscious about talking over the foreign instrument.

“Bart? You there? Goddammit! Uh, let’s see. J‑Bar‑C Two, can you hear me?”

“I read you, Jack. What’s going on? Over.”

“This guy’s going like a calf on the prod. You ain’t never going to catch up with us. He don’t seem to care if a cop catches him or not.”

“Okay. Be back with you in a minute. Over and out.” Bart ran back into the apartment house and beat on Mark’s door. Mark opened it instantly. “He’s running fast, Big Jack says. Breaking the speed limit like he’s got no worries about patrol cars. Jack says I’ll never catch up with them.”

“Fuck!” Mark beat a fist against the jamb. “He must really be scared. Any sane man would go at a nice slow pace. He’s panicked. Wait! A helicopter! You can catch him in a bird. You head to the airfield. I’ll get Jim Hudson over there pronto. You have a chance that way.”


The helicopter pilot, who lived near the airport, was already warming up the whirlybird by the time Bart arrived. He was, however, not in the best of spirits. He seemed to resent being awakened at two‑thirty in the morning to participate in somebody else’s goose chase.

Bart thought he was going to lose his stomach when the machine took off, but he overcame the nausea. Donning the headset as instructed, he told the pilot what they were up to. He was disappointed that the helicopter radio did not have CB bands, but he had already warned Big Jack that he was coming by helicopter. They overtook the two speeding vehicles easily enough. There was no mistaking them even in the darkness. The van led Big Jack by about a quarter of a mile. At first, the pilot was reluctant to set the copter down in unfamiliar terrain, but he took advantage of the lights of a closed filling station at some wide spot in the road to drop rapidly to the ground. Bart about lost his meal again, but avoided disgracing himself. The Avila vehicle had already whizzed through. Big Jack saw them and had his nephew pull over. Bart unceremoniously dumped the protesting youngster out of the truck and sprayed him with gravel as he got the pickup back on the highway. They soon spotted the van’s taillights in the distance. They gained steadily. Suddenly, the brake lights flashed as the vehicle turned off the highway.

“Damn!” Bart swore. “He spotted us.”

“Be a blind son of a bitch if he didn’t. Probably saw the lights when the helicopter landed too.”

Bart slapped the wheel. “He’s not headed for El Paso. He’s taking the back country to Mexico. Shit! The law’s going to be waiting in the wrong place.”

“Can you reach that lawyer on the radio?”

“Out of range, but I’m going to try to raise somebody. You get out and start trying to catch a ride.” Jack looked pained. It was pitch black, and they had not passed a car on the Road for a considerable stretch. “I’ll work the radio and get somebody to pick you up. But just in case I don’t raise anybody, you’ve got to get back to that service station and phone Mark.”

Jack’s mouth fell open. “That’s ten miles back!”

Ro braked hard. “Yeah, and I’m hauling you in the wrong direction.”

Big Jack looked doubtful about the whole venture, but he obediently grunted his way out of the truck. Bart took off again. As soon as he maneuvered the turn onto the sideroad, he managed to raise a northbound trucker about six miles south of him who agreed to pick up Big Jack and get him to a telephone. In the meantime, the man would try to raise a state cop in the area.

The van was traveling too fast for the road conditions. Bart was able to anticipate some of the worst jolts by keeping an eye on the lights of the other vehicle, but even so he wondered how long the van could take the punishment the rutted dirt Road was dishing out. Abruptly, the relatively good stretch played out. Avila’s headlights went crazy, shooting up into the black sky, disappearing into the ground, and wagging from side to side. Bart was reminded of a mischievous child playing with a flashlight.



So one of the crooks is on the run, as much from his partner-in-crime as from the law. Bart’s in pursuit. Will he catch the man?

 Until next week, stay safe and stay strong.

Now my mantra: Keep on reading and keep on writing. You have something to say... so say it!

Please check out my BJ Vinson murder mystery series from The Zozobra Incident to The Cutie-Pie Murders. A lot or murder, mayhem... and sex.

My Personal links:



X: @dontravis3

See you next Thursday.


New Posts every Thursday at 6:00 a.m. US Mountain Time.

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